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News Source Expertise

Dara Onofrio, Esq. can provide expert media commentary and background for print, television, and radio journalists on the following topics:
  • Intellectual property matters, including patents, trademarks, and copyright
  • Patent infringement
  • Trademark infringement
  • Copyright infringement
  • Trade Secret Misappropriation
  • Unfair Competition
  • Ideation
  • Inventions
  • Innovation
  • Pharmaceutical bio-tech
  • Life science
  • Chemical
  • Medical device research and development

Booking Expert Commentary or Interviews

We understand the nature of media deadlines. To book Dara L. Onofrio, Esq. please contact her publicist 24/7 Christine Baker of CB Creative, Inc. 
Cell: 917-297-6025

Contents of this website are offered for informational purposes only, not to provide legal advice. An attorney-client relationship has not been created by visiting the site or by e-mailing an attorney a question from the site.


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